Got plugs?


Your new favorite earplug vendor !

We love live music and we want to keep loving it for a lifetime. So we started selling earplugs and handmade earplug earrings.

Now on sale online:

Find us in the wild:

Festival vendors

Earplug vending machines at your favorite venue!

Why we love earplugs?

  • The ability to hear is a vibe, literally waves of sound vibration from the environment travel into the ear and meet a tiny snail shaped structure called the Cochlea. Within this structure is a region full of liquid. The vibrations of the air become ripples in this liquid that are transferred to an inner membrane containing tiny sensory hair cells, called stereocilia. 

    These microscopic hairs “ride the waves” of sound as bump and bend cause the release of charged molecules. This flow of chemical energy becomes an electrical signal that the brain understands as the sounds that we all know and love.


    National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. (2022, March 16). 

    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss.

  • When we experience high intensity noise anything above 85dB for long periods of time can cause these hairs to become permanently damaged. This permanent damage is known as Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), the only preventable form of hearing loss. According to a 2011-2012 CDC study, approximately 24% of adults have some degree of NIHL. This totally preventable damage can never be corrected, but luckily it can be prevented by using protective equipment like earplugs that can reduce the noise intensity at loud venues such as sporting events, live music events, firework shows, and bustling hospitality locations. 


    National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. (2022, March 16). 

    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss.

  • Silicone ear plugs contain a metal acoustic filter that provides 24dB of comfortable noise filtration. Each pack contains a metal clip-on carrying case and two pairs of plugs, one for you and one for a bud!

    - Small pair 8.5mmx 15mmx17mm

    -Large pair 8mmx 15.5mm 21mm 

    - Clip on metal carrying case. 

    - 24dB noise reduction

Buy plugs for you+ a bud get a FREE case


Buy plugs for you+ a bud get a FREE case *

Meet the founder

Nicole Fam

I have always loved loud live music. The kind that you not only hear but you feel. While going to college in Austin, “the music capital of Texas,” I earned a formal degree in microbiology, studying the molecular machinery of life by day, and by night I studied the live music scene from metal to bluegrass, pop to rap, jam bands and edm.

I dove head first into all of it. Literally head first, my favorite place to be was right in front of the speakers. I remember waiting in line at after hours clubs to sit on the speaker and bask in the bass. Little did I know that level of sound was wiggling my ear hairs so much that they were getting permanently damaged in just a few minutes. Hairs that can never grow back.

So now I’m on a mission to look out for all my buds' tiny hearing hairs by spreading awareness and accessibility . Ear plugs have evolved to be so much more cool, comfortable, and high quality than they used to be. The only obstacle now is remembering to be prepared, and in case you forget HearBudz has got your plugs.

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